The Atomic 28 Hard Challenge
The Atomic 28 Hard Challenge
BY ATOMIC | FEB 2, 2022

For any of you that haven’t heard of something called the 75 Hard Challenge or the 75 Hard, it was created by this guy named Andy Frisella, who’s the CEO in the supplement industry. He’s a public speaker and the host of business podcasts. Andy, I think for himself, probably more than anything else, created this program to help him get mentally, physically, spiritually tougher. It started in 2019 and really took off in 2020…COVID, I’m sure helped.
It Started With Five Main Challenges
- Follow a healthy diet of your choosing. You can pick it, whatever it was. There were no cheat days on your diet.
- No alcohol.
- Two workouts every day for at least 45 minutes each. One of those workouts had to be outside.
- Drink a gallon of water.
- Take a progress picture every day.
- Read 10 pages of a non-fiction book every day.
There were some other phases that added additional tasks, but this was the original challenge.
Our Take
One day Maddie Dozier had a genius idea to create a business version of this challenge and create a blog post about it. From that little spark, we decided to develop The Atomic 28 Hard Challenge.
The reason it’s “28” is the month of February, and if we’re going to challenge ourselves, we figured we might as well set the bar low.
Instead of just throwing it out there in the ether, we thought we’d go ahead and give it a run ourselves and see how it worked.
The Rules
We landed on four main things that we’re going to focus on:
- Write a blog post every day.
- Post on every social media channel every day.
- Reach out to a prospect every day.
- Read 15 pages of a marketing book and talk about it every day.
Our purpose of this is to see what changes happen when we commit to a massive amount of activity. Instead of doing a daily photo, we’re going to look at baselines for the following metrics:
- Total website visitors
- Total social media audience
- Social engagement
- Links back to our website,
- Total leads
Measuring Results
At the end of the month, we’re going to check and see how this changes things for us. Some other things will come out of this in a positive way, some maybe not so much. There are also some things we can’t track that will benefit us.
We hope this helps us to stop overthinking about things and just jump in and do it. We want to see what a month of constant activity can do for a business. Is it beneficial? Is it detrimental? We don’t know until we try. So let’s see what happens. It’s a challenge for us to get creative under pressure. We’re pretty excited about kicking this thing off. We’re excited about y’all being along for the journey and we’ll follow up at the end of the month to see what we learned.
Hopefully, it’s something kick-ass.